【毕书尽 Bii With You LIVE in Singapore 2017】
17 June 2017

【毕书尽 Bii With You LIVE in Singapore 2017】

Korean-Taiwanese heart-throb returns to Singapore with 毕书尽 Bii With You LIVE in Singapore 2017 at The Star Theatre, The Star Performing Arts Centre on 17 June. This two-hour concert will not only be the prelude to Bii's first ever large-scale concert at Taipei Arena this December, but also his first and only music showcase this year.

Fans can expect a night of good music as well as up-close-and-personal interaction with Bii in coming June. Despite his tight schedule in preparation for his new album and upcoming concert at Taipei Arena, Bii has customized a two-hour show consisting of LIVE band performances and games for his Singapore BF.


2017 Bii 毕书尽年底站上台北小巨蛋前唯一一场音乐会 ——【毕书尽Bii With You LIVE in Singapore 2017】将在6 月17 日,晚上8 点,于新加坡The Star Theatre, The Star Performing Arts Centre 隆重登场!

Bii于去年发行第四张个人专辑《I’m Bii to the double i》,除了签唱会场场完售外,也空降各大销售排行榜。荣获第11届KKBOX风云榜年度风云歌手的Bii,去年7月在台北台大体育馆举办出道以来首场台湾大型个人演唱会,一开票4000张即秒杀,演出叫好亦叫座,音乐会被视为今年底踏上台北小巨蛋的最强前哨战。

即便目前正如火如荼准备12月举行的台北小巨蛋演唱会,Bii 仍决定排除万难再次踏上新加坡开唱,主要源自 Bii 的一颗愧疚之心。话说,2015 年12 月,Bii联同师弟陈彦允和李玉玺来新宣传,无奈当时他得了急性肠病毒,身体不适而无法好好唱歌给歌迷听,因此Bii一直对新加坡的BF 们(Bii粉丝统称)心感愧疚。为了感谢 BF 一路走来的深情守候与支持,Bii决定排开行程,重返这个令他有回家般轻松、零压力的国家开唱,面对面传达内心的感激,也借机为自己充电。

票价:$178 (VIP) / $148 / $118 / $78(不包括SISTIC行政费)

* KKBOX白金会员可预先于4月6日(上午10点)至4月9日(晚上11点59分)独家抢购限量VIP门票。每人限购8张。更多详情走这里:http://kkbox.fm/q2xNiD
* 门票于4月11日,上午10点,全面公开发售。

💡号外 💡
遥远的 6 月来临前,Bii 也将在4月4日,晚上8点至9点30分,抢先上线 #KKBOX一起听 与歌迷听歌聊天!