Eric 周興哲 《How Have You Been》2019 Asia Tour in Singapore
14 December 2019

Eric 周興哲 《How Have You Been》2019 Asia Tour in Singapore

'Let's not be friends in the future', 'How Have You Been', 'The Chaos After You', which of these have been in your playback list?

Following on 3 sold-out shows in Taipei and Kaohsiung Arena, Mandopop up and coming singer-songwriter Eric Chou is back again with his brand-new 「Eric 周興哲 《How Have You Been》2019 Asia Tour in Singapore」!

In 2014, At the age of 19, Eric Chou debuted with 'My Way to Love', a self-composed album which features 11 tracks. With his amazing song writing skills and unique voice, he begin to receive huge amount of attention and eventually gained billion views and awards for his title track 'Let's not be friends in the future'. In 2016, he released his second album 'What Love Has Taught Us' with the hit song 'How Have You Been?' and became the third singer apart from Jay Chou and JJ Lin, who attains record-breaking billion views for both of his title tracks.

Among《This is love》,《22》,《22Plus》tours, he had proven his unwavering popularity with countless sold-out shows in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Genting, Taipei etc. This also marks down the record of the Artiste with the fastest growing popularity.

Do not miss this chance to catch Eric Chou perform and to sing-along with his various hits at the concert this December 13th & 14th 2019 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Eric 周興哲 《How Have You Been》2019 Asia Tour in Singapore will be held on 13 December, Friday, 8pm, and 14 December, Saturday, 7.30pm at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Snatch your tickets before November 3rd to stand a chance to be the 300 lucky fans to win an opportunity to meet Eric up close and to get your tickets autographed by Eric, happening on the November 30th! Grab the tickets now!

〈以后别做朋友〉、〈你,好不好〉、〈如果雨之后〉这些歌曲已在播放清单里,温暖了你多少? 2014年发行首张创作专辑《学着爱》,并受到广大关注的ERIC周兴哲,籍着丰沛创作与温暖嗓音,以歌曲〈以后别做朋友〉初试啼声就达成破亿人次点击,并获得众多奖项肯定,第二张专辑〈你,好不好?〉再度写下破亿记录,成为华语乐坛继周杰伦、林俊杰后,第三位双破亿MV歌手。无论《This is love》、《22》、加码升级《22Plus》亚洲巡演,各地销售创下佳绩,更创下近期由百人到万人,人气飙升新纪录,YouTube频道至今已破五亿二千万次点击率,《你,好不好》全新巡回演唱会票房再度秒殺,声势如虹,一路看涨!

继台北、高雄票房秒杀、媒体热烈报道后,今年海外巡演唯一一站,就在新加坡 亞洲新生代小天王 ~ 周兴哲 [你,好不好] 2019亚洲巡回演唱会新加坡站 12 月 14 号,新加坡室内体育馆气势登场

凡是在11月3日前购买门票,将有机会参加抽奖, 300位幸运星将可在11月30日出席Eric 周兴哲 《你,好不好》亚洲巡演签票会。想看 Eric 现场表演吗?想更近距离与周兴哲互动吗?请赶紧抢票吧!