LISTEN: Timmy Autumn's hushed and wintry debut, New Eyes EP

LISTEN: Timmy Autumn's hushed and wintry debut, New Eyes EP

"these two years have been a rollercoaster of a journey into self discovery"

Stumble upon Singaporean singer-songwriter Timmy Autumn's Bandcamp page, and you're left with a sincere album description that leads with this.

For a debut EP, it is definitely far from unassuming upon first impression. And as meaningful as it is to the people who made it, New Eyes has an understated charm that'll fall easily with worshippers at the Bon Iver altar, but never once would you assume Timmy Autumn is playing a game of imitation.

Within the four tracks of the EP, aptly released on his birthday, Timmy Autumn (real name Paul Lin) simultaneously offers compact and precise glimpses into his tender, stirring worldview and fledgling artistic vision.


He starts it off stripped-down in 'New Eyes', but as 'June' hits you with its resolute, climactic conclusion with gang choruses and a soaring melody, you know he excels in reaching for a multitude of ideas within its 20-minute runtime, even if some of them feel strangely familiar.

What's most surprising is that guest vocalist EM dominates the song, providing an evenness that restrains New Eyes EP anywhere near self-indulgent territory. It's dense, intimate and decidedly relatable.

It's a short listen, but New Eyes may be the moody respite you need for a shitty week.

Listen to New Eyes here: