Live singing suspended in Singapore, shows limited to 50 people: Singapore further tightens COVID-19 restrictions

Live singing suspended in Singapore, shows limited to 50 people: Singapore further tightens COVID-19 restrictions


Singapore has further imposed tighter restrictions to curb spikes in COVID-19 cases among the community. This comes less than two weeks after previous restrictions on social gatherings. 

On 14 May, the Multi-Ministry Task Force (MTF) announced that starting from 16 May till 13 June, dining-in will be prohibited and people may only gather in groups of two. This is down from the earlier limit of five individuals.   

Additionally, performances may go ahead, but live singing is no longer allowed. Up to 50 persons may be allowed without pre-event testing, and up to 100 persons may attend with pre-event-tesing. This is a reduction from the previous limits of 100 people without pre-event testing, and 250 people with pre-event testing.


Further restrictions concerning the arts and entertainment include:

  • MICE and live performances.

    • Up to 100 persons may be allowed with pre-event testing, and up to 50 persons may be allowed without pre-event testing. Unmasking is not allowed for speakers and performers, and there should be no singing or playing of instruments that require intentional expulsion of air (e.g. wind and brass instruments). Face shields are not permitted as a substitute for masks. 

    • All indoor and outdoor live performances should be postponed, unless these have been announced and publicised before 5 May 2021. Live performances which have been publicised before 5 May 2021 and which are scheduled to take place from 8 May through 13 Jun 2021 may only proceed with approval from the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI). Approvals can be made via the application form found here
  • Attractions and shows. The operating capacity of attractions that have received MTI's prior approval will be reduced to 25% from the current permissible capacity of 50%. Indoor and outdoor shows may proceed with up to 100 persons with pre-event testing, and up to 50 persons without pre-event testing. 

  • Digital production.
    • A maximum of 15 performers and crew are allowed on stage and backstage at any given time. This includes a maximum of 10 performers who can be unmasked at any given time. Of the 10 unmasked performers, no more than 2 may sing or play wind or brass instruments, at any given time. The same provisions apply to rehearsals with no audiences.

    • Arts and culture organisations are required to notify the National Arts Council (NAC) of (i) the planned dates of the digital productions and associated rehearsals; (ii) recording/rehearsal venue; and (iii) confirmation of adherence to the performers and crew limits, before conducting the digital productions or associated rehearsals.
  • Classes, Lectures, Talks and Workshops

    • From 16 May through 13 Jun 2021, all speakers, participants and instructors in arts and culture classes, lectures, talks and workshops must be properly masked at all times. Activities that cannot be conducted with masks on must be suspended. There are to be no classes in singing or wind and brass instruments, even if masked. Face shields are not allowed as a substitute for proper masks. 

These restrictions are part of 'Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)', which is in response to the emergence of numerous clusters in areas such as Changi Airport and Tan Tock Seng Hospital. On 13 May, 24 COVID-19 cases were reported in the community, the highest since July 2020.

To aid approved arts activities, the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) has extended its existing 80% subsidy for venue hire and in-house production costs (where applicable) until 30 June 2021, and will review further extensions. This subsidy will be for arts and culture activities permitted to resume at selected venues. More details can be found here

Stay tuned to Bandwagon for further updates.