Warner Music Singapore partners with Affyn to release new Web3 game

Warner Music Singapore partners with Affyn to release new Web3 game


Warner Music Singapore and Affyn are collaborating on a new game. 

The music label and Web3 company have announced that they are partnering up to create new opportunities and content in the world of Web3 gaming with the goal of providing audiences with never-before-seen experiences. 

As part of the partnership, Warner Music Singapore will be releasing a new track featuring Singapore-based bilingual artist J.M3 for Affyn's upcoming Web3 game, where she will also be as the title's main character. 


“This collaboration with Warner Music Singapore represents a new era of digital content consumption, leveraging Web3 technology to support musicians, artists, creators, and collaborators in delivering an even more immersive and interactive experience to our audiences. We look forward to the exciting possibilities that this partnership will bring to our platform and to the wider entertainment industry," said Affyn's CEO, Lucaz Lee

"We are delighted to collaborate with Affyn to explore innovative and creative approaches to promote Warner Music Singapore’s artists by taking audience engagement to unprecedented levels. By tapping into new avenues and fans, we can broaden our reach in ground-breaking ways. We look forward to continuing our close partnership with Affyn and identifying more exciting opportunities for collaboration," Warner Music Singapore's Managing Director, Gerald Ang