(What’s the Story) Morning Gloryville?

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It’s a rave-olution.”

So says Caitlin Hudson, Morning Gloryville’s Global Events Manager.

In the mad biopic 24 Hour Party People, Factory Records owner Tony Wilson (played by the ever amusing English comedian Steve Coogan) states that the main guiding principle of the Madchester rave scene is “the beautification of the beat”. There was a huge shift in the live music arena then; as post-punk bands gave way to club DJs and house music in ‘80s Manchester. Thus, it was along such lines of puritanical music aspiration that the modern rave party was born. Though the Madchester dream ultimately came unravelling at the seams thanks to several factors (drugs, gang violence and etc), a new clubbing movement aims to resurrect that same spirit of music appreciation while adding its own distinct twist.

That movement is Morning Gloryville – an early morning clubbing experience that involves ZERO alcohol and illicit substances that we have come to associate with the rave scene.

Morning Gloryville, Singapore, Rave, Clubbing, EDM


Started in 2013, the hip party focuses squarely on providing an all-inclusive environment in which punters are able to appreciate good music sans hangover. The brainchild of two hardcore London-based clubbers, events producer Samantha Moyo and bodywork therapist Nico Thoemmes, Morning Gloryville has come a long way since its first edition in East London with just under 100 ravers.

Now in 24 different cities worldwide, it is no wonder the likes of Basement Jaxx and Fatboy Slim have chosen to support this sustainable clubbing initiative in which you don’t need a drink or drug in order to appreciate the thumping basslines and dance yourself silly.

But it’s more than just about the music. The Morning Gloryville movement is about selling a lifestyle.

Rave, Singapore, Healthy, Morning Gloryville, EDM, Clubbing

Rave, Healthy Living, Morning Gloryville, EDM, Club, Singapore

Tying up with Zespri for their inaugural Singapore edition in June, Morning Gloryville was not afraid to drive home its healthy agenda through many of its peripheral activities. Held at Club Kyo, the 6.30am pre-work event was designed to serve as a break from the drudgeries of late night clubbing.

“the healthier we keep ourselves, the more fun we are able to have.”

While UK DJ Charlie Chuckles provided some much needed beats for a dancefloor workout, local revellers also had the option to energise themselves with yoga sessions, massages and even a breakfast bar by Singaporean gourmet raw food chef Sandra Lee. All this effort just to create an all-inclusive environment for the local crowd of over 500!

Morning Gloryville, Singapore, Healthy living, Yoga, Rave, Club, EDM

By incorporating such wholesome elements, the dawn party event hopes to “promote a sustainable means of expression” according to their Global Events Manager Caitlin Hudson. While the end goal of Morning Gloryville is still about having fun, the team is armed with the mantra “the healthier we keep ourselves, the more fun we are able to have.”

Morning Gloryville, Rave, Singapore, Healthy Living, EDM, Club

Having played the health card, this means that you can expect a diverse crowd at a Morning Gloryville party. Here in Singapore, the crowd was made out of fitness enthusiasts, white collar salarymen and of course, ravers. A mishmash of revellers that is definitely not your typical Kyo crowd. However, in some of their other international installations, Morning Gloryville has seen even greater audience diversity. People from all ages, ranging from infants to elderly folks, have embraced this growing global trend like a duck to water.

Morning Gloryville, Singapore, Club, Rave, EDM, Healthy living

It isn’t hard to see why, especially when you provide a judgemental free zone in which sober party goers can just cut loose to the music and maintain a healthy lifestyle. And judging by the wild dance circles and conga lines here, it is clear that Caitlin isn’t exaggerating when she compares the local Morning Gloryville dancefloor atmosphere to that “you find at weddings or birthdays when everyone knows each other”. Her sentiment is echoed by local Morning Gloryville reveller Claudia Lee who describes the party as having “a friendlier atmosphere than you'd find on a regular club night”.

Morning Gloryville, Club, Rave, Singapore, EDM, Healthy living

So whether it is the next stage of an ever-evolving club culture or just another excuse to dance, we are sure glad that Morning Gloryville offers an additional option for local party goers to choose from. After all, despite the passing of Tony Wilson and his Madchester dream, it is heartening to see that their spirit lives on in the rave culture that they desperately tried to create.