Mayday “Just Rock It" 2016 Live In Singapore
5 August 2016 – 6 August 2016

Mayday “Just Rock It" 2016 Live In Singapore

Come 5th and 6th August, renowned Taiwanese rock band MAYDAY is back with acclaimed ‘Just Rock It’ Tour Live In Singapore at the Singapore Indoor Stadium!

MAYDAY have set many impressive records in the Chinese music history, having performed to more than 10 million fans around the world at some of the world’s most acclaimed concert venues like Taipei Arena, Beijing National Stadium, Nippon Budokan, London’s Wembley Arena and New York Madison Square Garden. They also became the first Chinese rock band to set foot on the Padang stage of 2014 Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix. Since then, fans have been eagerly waiting for their return with yet another high-energy and awe-inspiring show.

Mayday ‘Just Rock It’ Tour is set to rock countries including Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore, Beijing and various other cities in China. The stop in Singapore is one that got all fans excited and looking forward to after a 3-year hiatus since Mayday’s last Nowhere World Tour back in 2013.

Mayday is all-ready to deliver top-notch performance at their upcoming ‘Just Rock It’ concert live in Singapore! From state of the art LED screens to lightings and props, each detail of the concert production has been specially crafted to lead fans into the Mayday’s musical world.

Other than working with their usual production team B’In Live, this new tour production team also welcomes in reputable U.S. concert director LeRoy Bennett; who have worked with distinguished superstars such as Paul McCartney, Lady Gaga, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, BIGBANG as well as shows like the Annual Grammy Awards. Mayday is also the first Chinese band to work with LeRoy Bennett.

Just like what Mayday always says “Mayday concert is not just our concert, it is only possible because of everyone here! It’s never too late to join MAYDAY!” Are you ready to rock the night away with Mayday this August? Grab your tickets to one of the most anticipated concerts of the year now! ​


终于等到五月天!!暌违3年,演唱会之王五月天终于在万众期盼下强势回归新加坡开唱!8月5/6日,连续两晚于新加坡室内体育馆开唱绝对保证HIGH爆全场!「五月天JUST ROCK IT 2016就是演唱会」 从香港正式开跑,一路巡回至台北、新加坡、北京、西安、成都、武汉、深圳、上海、吉隆坡等10个城市。而新加坡站一公布即引起本地五迷惊喜,媒体关注;因为距离上一次五月天在新加坡举办大型演唱会已是将近3年了!

「五月天JUST ROCK IT 2016就是演唱会」虽然只是期间限定,短短六个月的巡回,却已预计超过90万人参与演唱会,诚意十足的五月天对于演唱会成本更是毫不手软,此趟巡演成本高达台币4.8亿,包括「双层透视LED」、「立方旋转舞台灯」等为这次巡回特别打造的机关将带领观众进入歌曲和歌词编织的奇幻世界,更将一组「魔幻宴会桌」搬上舞台,除了象征「生老病死就是一场一场的人生派对」,也代表重回舞台和老朋友们聚会,就是一场人生为欢有几何的难得宴会。

这回五月天除了和默契十足的「必应创造」再次合作外,更重金从美国请到「葛莱美级演唱会视觉艺术家」LeRoy Bennett,担任「Just Rock It 2016」巡回的视觉导演。 LeRoy Bennett有着「舞台魔术师」的美称,更曾和包括Paul McCartney保罗麦卡尼、Lady Gaga女神卡卡、Maroon5魔力红、Bruno Mars火星人布鲁诺、BIGBANG及葛莱美奖颁奖典礼合作,五月天更是第一组与这位大师级演唱会艺术家合作的华人乐团!

「五月天 Just Rock It 2016就是演唱会」,一场老朋友的聚会,就象五月天常跟大家说的 “五月天的演唱会不只是五月天演唱会,还加上来到会场的每一个你们才能创造的,加入五月天,永不不会太迟!” 我们来临的8月5/6日,五月天就是约定你,我们不见不散!