Setts #2
24 January 2016

Setts #2

The South-Eastern Ensemble for Today's and Tomorrow's Sounds was founded by two musicians - a professional bassoonist and a musicologist/music educator/music administrator who both see the need to promote the creation and performance of new music by South-East Asian Composers. The main focus of the ensemble is the promotion of Southeast Asian contemporary classical music as such, with the ambition to move people to more deeply discover the diverse sounds of new and innovative classical music. History demonstrates that young, creative artists and composers have new ideas, new visions and new means to continually invigorate this genre of music. Hence, they should also be given the chance to bring their creations to the regional citizens, a public outstretching of the national boundaries. SETTS #2 seeks to support the artistic creativity of young and innovative composers and musicians in order to facilitate progress and change in classical music. It also seeks to boost the reputation of emerging composers by providing them with the support they need to publicise their art and music. Hence SETTS #2 will feature emerging Singaporean composers such as Emily Koh and Tan Tiag Yi, as well as Malaysian composer Wong Chee Yean.