PLEDIS Entertainment mengumumkan kepergian Gyuri, fromis_9 lanjut sebagai grup beranggotakan 8 orang

PLEDIS Entertainment announces departure of Gyuri, fromis_9 to continue as 8-member group

Gyuri telah berpisah dengan fromis_9.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan yang ditulis pada 28 Juli (Kamis), PLEDIS Entertainment mengumumkan kepergian Jang Gyuri dari grup K-pop 'Talk & Talk' ini. fromis_9 akan bergerak sebagai grup beranggotakan 8 orang mulai Agustus dan dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan dan acara yang telah direncanakan.

Delapan anggota fromis_9 lainnya, yakni Lee Saerom, Song Hayoung, Park Jiwon, Roh Jisun, Lee Seoyeon, Lee Chaeyoung, Lee Nagyung, dan Baek Jiheon, menandatangani kontrak baru dengan PLEDIS Entertainment pada Agustus 2021. "JANG GYU RI tetap menjaga kondisi kontrak asli dengan mantan agensinya dan PLEDIS telah bertanggung jawab atas tugas-tugas termasuk manajemen timnya dan kegiatan individu," tulis PLEDIS Entertainment dalam pernyataan mereka.


fromis_9 talk about being motivated by pressure and working on their new mini-album 'Midnight Guest'

"Artis dan agensi membuat keputusan setelah pertimbangan dan diskusi yang cermat tentang apa yang akan menjadi jalan terbaik untuk semua orang," tambah perusahaan hiburan tersebut. "Tolong terus kirimkan cinta dan dukungan Anda kepada JANG GYU RI, yang selalu berkomitmen untuk melakukan yang terbaik sebagai anggota fromis_9 dan kepada delapan anggota fromis_9 yang akan memulai babak baru dalam karier mereka."

EP kelima dari fromis_9 from our Memento Box, yang dirilis pada bulan Juni, menandai materi terakhir grup tersebut dengan Gyuri di dalamnya.

Baca pernyataan lengkapnya di bawah ini.

This is PLEDIS Entertainment.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the fans who have shown unwavering support and love for fromis_9. We would like to provide some information regarding the future activities of fromis_9.

fromis_9 will become an 8-member group starting from this coming August and will meet their fans in their upcoming Japanese activities and other various activities scheduled for the second half of this year.

fromis_9’s fifth EP “from our Memento Box” will be the last promotional activity of JANG GYU RI as she wraps up her time as a member of fromis_9. She will conclude her contract earlier with us as of July 31 to embark on a new journey.

The eight members of fromis_9 (LEE SAE ROM, SONG HA YOUNG, PARK JI WON, ROH JI SUN, LEE SEO YEON, LEE CHAE YOUNG, LEE NA GYUNG and BAEK JI HEON) signed a new exclusive contract with us when they transferred to PLEDIS Entertainment in August 2021. JANG GYU RI maintained the conditions of the original contract with her former agency and PLEDIS has been in charge of tasks including the management of her team and individual activities.

The artist and the company made the decision after careful consideration and discussions on what would be the best path for everyone. Please continue to send your love and support to JANG GYU RI, who has always committed to do her best as a member of fromis_9 and to the eight members of fromis_9 who will start a new chapter of their careers.

Our company will continue to support fromis_9 to help them grow as artists as they continue their activities in various fields.

Thank you.

Lihat 'Stay This Way' dari fromis_9 di bawah ini.