Slime G4ng finds release and renewal in ‘S3njo’ music video – watch

Slime G4ng finds release and renewal in ‘S3njo’ music video – watch

At some point in your life, you’ll realise that love is a collision sport. It will take that one fateful relationship to break it to you that giving yourself to somebody else can come with a whole lot of battering. 

That’s the ground on which Slime G4ng’s Louie Indigo and ASKINGJOSHY stand on their latest kidmeddling-produced single ‘S3njo’, and that’s why they’re hyper-aware of the need for salvation and release. “I just gotta save myself / Save myself”, they appeal to themselves and to any higher power that will listen.

All of this is metaphorical, of course. But ‘S3njo’ is not. And that’s why the music video, shared by the duo, earlier this morning, boasts high-impact emotive power. Now, you get to put a face to the names calling out for soul-saving deliverance.


Like the song, the music video, directed by Aundraj Jude, uses simplicity as a form of disarmament: Centred around Louie and Joshy turning up in various locations, the visual draws you in – to their collective pain, loss and, ultimately, resolve, to pick themselves up, kill the drama and move on.

Because, if you don’t realise for yourself why that’s important, you’ll never take that defining step. That’s why the video ends emphatically with this final shot:

Watch it below.