Mothers who rock: stories from moms raising their kids in the music scene

Mothers who rock: stories from moms raising their kids in the music scene

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To the supermoms who rock onstage and from the crowd, Happy Mother's Day!

It isn't easy being a mom as is. The sleepless nights and all the screaming is just a part of it. But when you're a mom in the music scene (where there are also tons of sleepless nights and screaming), you're gonna have to adjust and figure out ways to kick back and relax with your kids despite wild touring and recording schedules. It takes a lot of bonding and including children in the world you love, despite the tantrums that may arise. 

Bandwagon caught up with five mothers who rock the local music scene to talk about how music plays a part in their lives.

Maysh Baay



What's it like raising a kid when your career has you out of the house until late at night and for long periods of time while you're touring or at the studio?

My daughter Cahaya practically grew up backstage and inside studios so she has a good understanding of what I do. I would say it’s still comparable to any working mom though we’re sort of under the limelight. She knows and understands the demands and the pros and cons.

From the very beginning she has grasped the idea that I not only work for her but also for myself so there’s really no resentment on her part. As she’s still a kid of course there are funny and stressful occasions where she’d throw tantrums during gigs. You wouldn’t know if you’re watching but I’d be super stressed inside (laughs). Also, I've always been a hands-on parent (as is Led, my husband) so I’ve never felt like I was always away from her or that my music took away so much of my parenting time.

In what ways does music play a part in your relationship with your kid?

Music is one of our sweetest and deepest mommy-daughter bond. We had to go through Disney, Hi5, and My Little Pony phases and I went along and enjoyed that with her. As she grows up she eventually developed her own taste. As I have been respectful of her choices, she remains respectful with mine. If we’re driving somewhere it would be normal to hear one of us say, “okay your playlist naman”.

Do you have any music-related hobbies or traditions you share?

YouTube-ing and driving while listening to our respective playlists. I learned of Babymetal through her and there was a time when that was my favorite gym playlist.

Has your kid shown any interest in a music career?

She sings in her school choir and I may or may not be a stage mom (wink).

Myrene Academia


What's it like raising a kid when your career has you out of the house until late at night and for long periods of time while you're touring or at the studio?

I actually liked my schedule because when she was growing up she was usually asleep at home when I was at a gig. I did need help sending her off to school in the mornings and I got that from grandmothers and great yayas. When she got home in the middle of the day or in the afternoon I would be home because I don't keep office hours. If I had out of town gigs that would only be two nights out at most and her grandmoms would be happy to be with her. So it takes a village talaga. But my time was more flexible than most.

In what ways does music play a part in your relationship with your kid?

I like that we bond over music. She knows my driving playlists by heart and now that she's older she gets to play her stuff in the car too. We see live shows together—I've taken her to see The 1975 and Harry Styles, she's accompanied me to Radiohead.

Do you have any music-related hobbies or traditions you share?

Mostly going out to shows.

Has your kid shown any interest in a music career?

She can sing, and plays some piano, guitar and drums, but right now she's more visual. We ask her to take a lot of our band photos and also design shirts and posters for us.

Kat Taylor


What's it like raising kids when your career has you out of the house until late at night and for long periods of time while you're touring or at the studio?

I would say it’s pretty normal, I actually get to spend more time with them during the day since gigs are at night and so is my regular job (I run a captioning company that caters to schools in the states). When there are gigs they’d usually be asleep by the time I leave and as for out of town tours or long recording sessions, my husband would be with them while I’m away and vice versa.

My husband is a skateboarder by profession, so he’s also out a lot and when he’s away, I stay with the kids. We’re used to it and I think it’s awesome that we get to spend a lot of time with the kids, but still do what we love. It’s all about time management really and proper sleep distribution (laughs).

In what ways does music play a part in your relationship with your kids?

My boys are into nu-metal and music that they’d hear from videos or games. And they love to party. When we party we get down to the same songs.

Do you have any music-related hobbies or traditions you share? 

Aside from parties, we love and watch A LOT of wrestling! Guessing which wrestler it is just by listening to the entrance music is a game we usually play at home.

Have your kids shown any interest in a music career?

My eldest is more of an athlete, though he has absolutely no stage fright, I’m not so sure how he feels about having a music career (laughs). Maybe the little one, he loves to sing and he’s more of the artist, but right now he wants to be a plastic surgeon (laughs), we’ll see!

Saab Magalona-Bacarro


What's it like raising a kid when your career has you out of the house until late at night and for long periods of time while you're touring or at the studio?

Pancho is mostly asleep at night so I think I have it easier than moms who have to work all day almost every day. I count myself as very lucky that I have total control of my time! The band is also very accommodating that they’ve agreed to earlier set times so Jim and I can get home to Pancho as soon as possible and get enough rest! I was also very dedicated to breastfeeding so it didn’t matter whatever dingy bar we were playing at, I’d take a break in the car and pump my breast milk so my supply wouldn’t stop.

In what ways does music play a part in your relationship with your kid?

It plays a huge role in my bonding with Pancho. Jim and I have made albums worth of silly songs just for Pancho. Music was constantly playing while he was in my tummy, it was playing the 2 months he was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and now he responds so positively to music more than anything.

Do you have any music-related hobbies or traditions you share?

Not a day goes by without Jim and I singing to Pancho. We have a morning song (I made that one up), I sing 'La Vie En Rose' after his nighttime bath to cue that it’s time for bed, and when he’s being fussy, singing 'Golden Slumbers' by The Beatles or 'I’m Always In Love' by Wilco will calm him down instantly.

How do you manage your time now that you have Pancho and are expecting another one soon?

With my first pregnancy I was playing gigs right until I was 6 months pregnant but I had a complicated birth story so we’ve decided to take it easier this time around. I’ve only played 2-3 gigs since we found out I got pregnant and though it’s hard to stay away from the music scene, I’m happy I get to stay home and spend more time with Pancho. I’m used to carrying him non-stop but now that my belly’s getting bigger I’ve had to cut down because he’s getting heavier. That hasn’t stopped our bonding though. Jim and I were always ready for two kids since we found out we were having twins the first time so we’re very excited for the new addition.

How has music helped in your healing?

Music has been so wonderful in our healing. We made a song for our baby girl who didn’t make it and named it after her (Luna). And some of the songs in our Ultramilk EP were written about our grieving process ('Milk') and our hospital stay ('Machine Jr.').

Barbie Almalbis

What's it like raising kids when your career has you out of the house until late at night and for long periods of time while you're touring or at the studio?

Being a musician and a mom at the same time has really taught me to be organized and to keep a calendar for everything. The late night gigs are just for a few hours, so the kids stay with their grandparents or a guardian.

During the day, my husband and I both work at home, so we get to spend a lot of time with the kids. I’ve had to say no to some gigs that would have me out for too long. But the best thing is when we get to bring everyone along and have a mini-vacation.

Back in the day, we would do all-nighters in the studio and record for months, but after having kids, I learned to record at home. We still do recording sessions in a studio, but only for a few hours at a time.

In what ways does music play a part in your relationship with your kids?

The kids are very musical so music definitely plays a huge part in our family. We have lots of fun writing and jamming together. Music has also helped the kids in school, we sometimes make up songs to help them learn and remember math concepts and equations. 

Have your kids shown any interest in a music career?

Yes, the kids are even having their first piano recital this Sunday. Our daughter Stina definitely got the music bug, we always find her playing the piano many times a day, every day. She enjoys it a lot! Liam likes to sing and is interested in playing guitar, and says he wants to be a musician.