Work From Home with Shanne Dandan

Work From Home with Shanne Dandan


In our new Work From Home series, we check in with your favorite musicians to see how they're coping with the current COVID-19 crisis while staying in their homes.

These past months have been really grim, but there's always something to look forward to tomorrow.

Just like the rest of the music world, Shanne Dandan is stuck at home. She's been craving to hit the studio, but thanks to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, going out of the house has become quite a challenge. But despite our new reality, staying creative and taking care of her cats has kept this wonderful burst of sunshine singing songs into the sky.


But besides working on music, what else has the 'Umaga' singer-songwriter been up to?


Bandwagon caught up with Dandan to check in on what she's been doing since the enhanced community quarantine kicked off, what she does to keep in touch with fans, and her plans after this lockdown is over.

 How has your work life changed since the quarantine began?

At first I felt all the pressure because somehow I am more anxious to perform online and I don't know why. Aside from the shift to online gigs, I also had more time to be alone and focus on my craft. I had more time to inspire myself and create beautiful things.

How do you stay connected with your fans?

It's fun and inspiring to get to know them. I reply to their messages and I sometimes do livestream gigs to connect with them more. We are all connected somehow. ♡

What are you looking forward to after lockdown is lifted?

I can't wait to go to the studio to record. I can't wait to hug my loved ones. I also miss going to the movies. I wonder how being outside would feel like after this lockdown.

Take us through a day in your quarantined life:

10 a.m.

My cats greet me in the morning by asking for food and commanding me to clean their litter box. As a reward, I get to cuddle with them for a while.

11 a.m.

I went outside to check my mom’s mini-garden. I asked the plants how they’re coping up with this heat—they cried, I comforted them.

1 p.m.

I made mango graham cake with my family. This is my masterpiece.

3 p.m.

I tried to finish the book I’m reading but there was a new episode of Drag Race so it was postponed.

4:30 p.m.

I always have an urge to take a selfie when the sunlight hits my face.

5 p.m.

I went outside again to check out the sky. I’m always fascinated on how tiny the moon is at this very hour.

6 p.m.

I question my cat’s behavior.

10 p.m.

When everyone’s asleep, I like to be alone and try to create something.

11 p.m.

I love how the lamp post in front of our house creates this beautiful lighting. Also, before going to bed I like to scroll through my tumblr and be inspired of such pretty things. And then, bedtime.

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